What is gokharu (Tribulus terrestris)? Use side effects dose

What is gokharu (Tribulus terrestris)? Use side effects dose 

Tribulus terrestris commonly known as Gokshura or Gokharu has been used for its innumerable benefits for approx 5000 years. now The chief contributor to Ayurveda considered this herb as 'diuretic' i.e. a substance that increases urine production, and hence, treats conditions such as hypertension. For this property,  it is also an effective treatment of kidney and bladder problems, such as kidney stones and painful urination. Gokhru increases sex drive in men and also women of all ages. It reduces erectile dysfunction and increases sperm count.so that also nicknamed as "Nature's Viagra”.

What is gokharu (Tribulus terrestris) Use side effects dose
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Gokharu medicinal properties 

  1. Insecticidal and anti-feedent 
  2. Anti-hyperlipidemic
  3. Anti-nephrolithiatic
  4. Nephroprotective
  5. Antiulcer
  6. Anti-inflammatory
  7. Antioxidant
  8. Antibacterial
  9. Aphrodisiac
  10. Hepatoprotective

Gokhru  Languages names

Name of Gokhru or Gokshura in Sanskrit - Gokshurak, Trikant, Svastukantak, Gokantak, Gokshurak, Van Sringat, Palakasha, Shvdantra, Ikshugandhika, Chandrum;
Name of Gokhru or Gokshura in Hindi - Gokhru, Chhote Gokhru, Elephant
Name of Gokhru or Gokshura in Oriya –Gokhura, Gokshra;
Name of Gokhru or Gokshura in Urdu – Gokharu;
Name of Gokhru or Gokshura in Kannada -neggilumullu (Negillumullu), Nerunji (Nerunji);
Name of Gokhru or Gokshura in Gujrati – Betagokharu, Nahanagokharu;
Name of Gokhru or Gokshura in Tamil –Nerinjil, Nerinjeekai;
Name of Gokhru or Gokshura in Telugu – Palleru, Chirupalleru, Cherupallekh;
Name of Gokhru or Gokshura in Bengali – Gokharu, Gokhuri;
Name of Gokhru or Gokshura in Punjabi –Bakhra, Lotak, Bhakhar;
Name of Gokhru or Gokshura in Marathi –Sharatte, Kate gokharu, Lahangokharu, Sarla gyarote;
Name of Gokhru or Gokshura in Malayalam – Neringil.
Name of Gokhru or Gokshura in English -davils Thorne (Devil's thorn), goat head (Goat head), puncture wine (Puncture vine), Small Kailtrops (Small caltrops);
Name of Gokhru or Gokshura in Arbi - Bastitaj, Khasak, Masak;
Name of Gokhru or Gokshura in Persian -khareksk (Khare khasak).

What is gokharu (Tribulus terrestris) Use side effects dose

Amazing benefits of  gokharu

  • Gokharu improves sexual desire and drive, which subsequently improves sexual performance. Gokhariu helps in managing erectile dysfunction by strengthening the penile tissue and enhancing penile erection.

  • Strengthens the penile tissue and enhances penile erection, making it very useful in erectile dysfunction.

  • Gokhur powder applying on the skin has benefits in skin diseases like itching, ringworm.

  • With aging, everyone suffers from joint pain. Make a decoction of equal quantity of dry gourd in Gokhru fruit and take it in the morning and night to get relief from back pain, joint pain.

  • It is helpful to remove the kidney stone natural way.

  • Gokhru is easy to digest food for the person who suffer from digestive problem.

Dose of gokharu

1-2 tablets twice daily or as directed by your physician.

side effects of gokharu


 Gokharu might decrease blood sugar levels.so diabetic patients use gokharu with doctor's advice.


Gokharu might affect blood sugar levels and blood pressure. This might.
interfere with blood sugar and blood pressure control during and after surgery. 
Stop using gokharu at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

FAQ Questions Ansures

1. What is use of gokharu?
Ans. Gokharu is used in treatment of kidney stone, premature ejaculation, skin problem, Digestive problem and burning full urination.

2. What are dose of gokharu?
Ans.  1-2 tablets twice daily or as directed by your physician.

3. What are side effect of gokharu?
Ans. Gokharu might decrease blood sugar levels.so diabetic patients use gokharu with doctor's advice.Gokharu might affect blood sugar levels and blood pressure. This might.
interfere with blood sugar and blood pressure control during and after surgery. 
Stop using gokharu at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

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