What is Shatavari(asparagus)? use, dose, side effects

What is Shatavari(asparagus)? use, dose, side effects medicinal properties

What is Shatavari(asparagus)? use, dose, side effects

What is Shatavari(asparagus)?

Asparagus is a herb in the form of Shatavari plant. Its creeper is protruding, and shrubby. There are at least 100, more roots under each vine. These roots are about 30–100 cm long and 1-2 cm thick.

  There is hard fiber in the middle of these roots, which can be removed only in wet and dry conditions.

Shatavari (asparagus) medicinal properties

  1. antiulcer
  2. anti-aging
  3. Antitussive
  4. Antibacterial
  5. Antiprotozoal
  6. Antihepatotoxic
  7.  Antioxidant
  8. Antilithiatic
  9. Antidepressant
  10. Anti-inflammatory
  11.  Enhances memory
  12. Aphrodisiac
  13.  Diuretic
  14. Anti-stress
  15. Reduce blood glucose
  16. analgesic

Nutritional Facts

Shatavari /Asparagus
        Nutritional  per 100 grams
NutrientNutrient Value
Calories20000 cal
Protein2200 mg
Carbohydrates3380 mg
Dietary Fibre2100 mg
Thiamin0.143 mg
Folates0.052 mg
Niacin0.978 mg
Vitamin K0.0416 mg
Vitamin E1.13 mg
Vitamin C5.6 mg
Beta carotene0.449 mg
Alpha-carotene0.009 mg
Lutein-zeaxanthin0.710 mg
Iron1.14 mg
Calcium24 mg
Manganese0.158 mg
Zinc0.54 mg
Selenium0.0023 mg

 names of Shatavari (asparagus)

Hindi - Satavar, Satavari, Satmuli, Asparagus, Sarnoi
English- Wild asparagus (wild asparagus)
Sanskrit- Shatavari, Shatapadi, Shatamuli, Mahashita, Narayani, Kanchankarini, Pewri, Micropolitica, Adhyasa, Bhiru, Narayani, Bahusuta, Bahyatra, Talmuli, Native Asparagus
Urdu-Satavara (Satavara)
Oriya-Chhotaru, Mohnole
Gujarati-Ekalkanta, Shatavari
Tamil- Kilavari, Paniyinakku
Telugu- Challagadda (Challagadda), Ettavaludutige);
Bengali- Shatamuli, Satmuli
Punjabi-Bozandan; Bozidan
Marathi-Aswell, Shatavari
Malayalam-Shatavari, Shatavali
Nepali- Satamuli, Kurilo
What is Shatavari(asparagus)? use, dose, side effects

amazing benefits

  1. Blood purification
  2. Diarrhea and dysentery
  3. ulcers, dyspepsia, heartburn, gastritis, colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome
  4. Female reproductive tonic
  5. Infection tratment 
  6. Infertility in both sexes
  7. Low libido/impotence
  8. Menopause
  9. Nutritive tonic
  10. Promotes conception for sexual debility in both sexes
  11. Promotes lactation
  12. Threatened miscarriage
  13. Gives strength to children

 recommended dose

Shatavari Churna - ½ teaspoon two times in a day.
Shatavari Capsule - 1-2 Capsules two times in a day.
Shatavari Tablet - 1-2 Tablets two times in a day.
Shatavari Syrup - 1-2 teaspoon two times in a day.

side effects

  • Shatavari might increase weight 
  • Excess intake of it can cause cough, irritation and disruption in the body

FAQ question answers

1Is Shatavari good for females?

answer. yes, its  Promotes conception for sexual debility in both sexes, Promotes lactation, Threatened miscarriage.

2. What are the side effects of Shatavari?

answer. it might increase weight, Excess intake of it can cause cough, irritation and disruption in the body.

3. Does Shatavari increase weight?

answer. yes,  it might increase weight.

4.what is the dose of Shatavari?

Churna - ½ teaspoon two times in a day.
Capsule - 1-2 Capsules two times in a day.
 Tablet - 1-2 Tablets two times in a day.
 Syrup - 1-2 teaspoon two times in a day.

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